Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Breastfeeding pious children of the sensitivity of the glands

Food allergy affects about 6 percent of the children where we find that the 2 percent of infants suffering from cow's milk allergy and about 1.5 percent gain egg allergy, while peanut allergy at about 0.6 children spread.
Most children with cow's milk allergy recover them when they reach age second or the third one, while peanut and fish allergic reactions in 80 percent of those infected continue for life.
Breastfeeding saves your child's food allergy
To avoid Madam injured child sensitively Make sure the food on breastfeeding and not to give the baby extra food before the age of 6 months such as cow's milk, eggs, fish and grains especially for children at risk genetically for sensitivity Ed that the child be Aktar scalability of sensitivity during the first year and defensive means has to be weak and immature, especially if they do not suckle feeding Tabieihao if the duration of breastfeeding is too short where the digestive system is characterized by the Olidbnqs amount of acidity and a weak digestive enzymes and the reduced 
amount of antibodies the immune that exist membrane lining of the intestines to reduce the 
absorption of Alantejnat allergens and this is a breakthrough protein allergens incomplete digestion of the intestines of the baby his months in the first six much higher than the rates after age this topic. Besides, the immune system of infants is not working with the same efficiency that works out the immune system in adults. It can not deal properly with the food substance that reach it.
Instead of being recognized by the immune system and accept them begin to secrete antibodies of the type E. immune proteins against this food Vtdtrb functions of immune cells, and secrete substances confuse members of the infant's body, causing him some sensitivity against Alagdeh.
How do you know that your child because of the sensitivity of food
Allergy symptoms in children often have a headache and disorder in the intestines, may be vomiting or diarrhea and various body aches and sometimes itching and cough and stuffy nose. As well as redness in the areas of the body and the weakness in the physical structure of the child, but this topic symptoms may not show the reason is that the food or even any kind of food is the cause of these allergies.
So follows the case of a child and to consult a doctor when reveled discomfort or crying after eating food a certain necessary to ensure the quality of food you eat before Hdot sensitivity crisis and in particular the new food and Hedda the mother to be patient because it's difficult for a doctor or a specialist therapeutic feeding that determines the quality food that causes the allergy without reminding them of the time and quantity of food intake, in addition to that there is no laboratory analysis confirms the sensitivity in a short time and laboratory analyzes need a longer time to show results.
Do not stop your child's lunch is useful
Food diversity in the daily table is very important to give the body its requirement of various nutrients that lead to good health, so must the mother compensate her other meats have the same nutritional value even not affected child health and rates of growth, and can be given vitamins and minerals, if necessary, It can cause food allergy experience after appropriate under medical supervision flour to see if the child was cured or not, period, given that a lot of food allergy cured during childhood years, there are also some modern treatments but still impact on food allergy under study, for this exact diagnosis and knowledge of food that causes the allergy is the solution best suited to rid the child of food allergy.


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