Thursday, June 4, 2015

A powerful recipe for fat burning waist and abdomen

Female studies confirmed whenever with waist circumference about 82 cm This was an indication that there is an increase in abdominal size and if in excess of 102 cm was very dangerous and for males If waist circumference exceeds 94 cm this was dangerous and if in excess of 104 cm has become very dangerous for measures of length and weight.
1. Diet lethal to burn abdominal fat

Mycosis: Nescafe cup of tea or milk or green tea +1 piece of cheese +1 toast age
Food: any quantity salad + Vegetable + protein
And between lunch and dinner 1 fruit
Dinner: such as mycosis or preferably 2 cups yogurt with wheat germ suspended for satiety and fat burning

2. Another slimming diet abdominal area

It is also called diet Algaymat a basis for the area abdomen and not just to reduce weight and depends on drinking water + small meal every two hours which is very useful and healthy does not lead to land or hunger to Anke Taatnola small meal or to the value of every two hours and also must comply with that first meal in the morning hour is the same hour Last meal in the evening if the sense Anke Tnaolte first meal in ten in the morning, the last meal will be at ten pm

For example, we will start at ten cup water +1 toast + hanging honey
After two hours: a cup water + a banana or an apple or an orange
After two hours: noon cup water + yogurt box
Two hours later: the afternoon cup water + a can of tuna from the oil refinery or a quarter of pullet grilled or boiled egg and 2 live without
After two hours: a cup of water +1 toast + hanging Quraish cheese
After two hours: a cup water + apple
After two hours: a cup of water +1 boiled potatoes without salt + salad without salt


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